Our expert test prep tutors apply strategy, content knowledge, and rigor to create a balanced, holistic approach that is unrivaled in the industry.
With more prestigious colleges bringing back standardized scores as part of their admissions process, we will help you prepare for the digital SAT and ACT so you develop the requisite knowledge and skills to succeed. Aside from scholastic preparedness, our test prep tutors also teach test-taking skills and strategies so you will have confidence and perform better on each area of the test.
We know that applying to college is one of the most complicated decisions your family has to make. Without proper guidance, you might just miss out on great opportunities to get into the best college that is fit for you.
To lessen the stress and so you can go on with your busy schedules, trust Cardinal Education to guide you step-by-step and make sure you are making intelligent decisions that will lead you toward success.
Our SAT and ACT prep classes are one-on-one with highly individualized programs designed to cater to your specific needs. We also work with students with learning differences and those who need testing accommodations to give them the same competitive advantage as others.
Navigate your way through this new testing format. Understand the process and learn about adaptive testing.
Ace the test. Get expert tips and strategies that work, and get the score that you need.
The ACT is more time-bound having more questions in a similar timeframe as the SAT
The ACT covers more math topics with a larger focus on Geometry and Trigonometry. SAT, however, focuses more in-depth on Algebra.
Although the SAT incorporates science questions throughout the exam, it does not have an independent science section. ACT has a whole section dedicated to science only.
There is not much difference in this section as both the ACT and SAT have this section that assesses grammar skills.
SAT Reading has evidence-based reading questions that test reasoning ability and is considered to have a higher language level and more difficult reading passages than ACT.
Only the ACT offers an optional ACT essay writing portion.
Taking both the SAT practice test and the ACT practice test will help you decide which exam is best suited for you. If you are taking the ACT and you are a strong writer, it is advisable to complete the optional ACT essay because it can demonstrate your competency in writing. It will also display another dimension of your college-worthiness and may differentiate you from the other applicants.
Both tests offer accommodations for students with learning differences through extended time to take the test, testing over multiple days, typing instead of hand-writing the optional essay, an assistant to read questions out loud, or a specific seating arrangement.
To decide which test to take, we recommend taking both diagnostic tests with us and speaking with a managing consultant for recommendations. Children with learning disabilities can also be successful with the SAT and ACT diagnostic tests.
While most colleges are adhering to the test-optional policy, submitting SAT and ACT test scores may still give you merit and admissions advantage. Your chances of qualifying for admission will depend on how well you distinguish yourself from other applicants. So unless you have an otherwise perfect application (stellar GPA and outstanding extracurricular activities), a good standardized test score will, in most cases, be a net positive for your college application.
Both tests are equally accepted by colleges for admission and there is no preference for one over the other. Since both tests basically assess the same skill sets and aptitudes, your test scores will have a lot to say about your skills. So make sure that you take the test which will maximize your chances for college admission.
Different schools have different admissions policies and there is no general way of tracking how and what scores they set as a bar for their requirements. However, you have two options on which scores to submit:
Please check the admissions website of the school you are applying for to see which of the two options are applicable.
Yes. However, we do not recommend our students take these tests more than three times. Start preparing early and do plenty of practice tests. Cardinal Education offers complimentary diagnostic test consultations to pinpoint areas of weakness and provide a comprehensive individualized plan for approaching the ACT and SAT. We advise that you take the tests only when you are ready and confident that you will do well.
The duration of preparing for the ACT and SAT varies from 3 months or longer than a year depending on the students’ needs, where they are coming from, and what they hope to achieve with their scores. For students who need more focus and attention, taking test prep classes in a group setting might not be the best option because it will be difficult for the students to receive on-the-spot feedback and individualized attention.
Time is critical when preparing for these tests and it is better to start preparing early. It is important to find out the student’s key strengths and weaknesses to identify the areas that require attention. Seeking the services of a professional is also important in order to receive expert advice and undergo a program that is fit for the student’s needs.
Cardinal Education offers a rigorous college test prep program that helps students achieve impressive test scores. Our program emphasizes the importance of a confident test-taking mindset while guiding students through a very difficult and challenging process. We cultivate confidence through our specialized strategy, frequent practice tests, and positive reinforcement. We also offer individualized SAT Tutoring and ACT Tutoring.
Our dedication to making a difference for our students is unparalleled, and we help students build confidence and earn superior outcomes while making the whole process fun and enjoyable!
Cardinal Education is an independent educational consulting company. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by any private school, including those mentioned on this website. All school names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used here for descriptive purposes only.