Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Horace Mann School ranking?
Horace Mann School is ranked #3 Best High School for STEM in New York, #3 Best College Prep Private High School in New York, and #4 Best Private K-12 School in New York.
- What is the Horace Mann School acceptance rate?
Admission can be very competitive as more families aspire to gain admission. Horace Mann School has an approximate acceptance rate of only 10%. Strategize your way into admission by working with us.
- What are admissions officers looking for?
Admissions officers are looking for students who will thrive and become successful in the Horace Mann academic program. Applicants are assessed through transcripts, teacher recommendations, standardized test scores, and interviews. They are also looking for families who will become positive members of the community and whose values and goals align with the school’s mission and core values.
- Why study at Horace Mann?
Horace Mann School is the largest independent school in New York with a diverse student population and a pool of highly qualified faculty and staff. Despite its size, class sizes remain small to ensure that students receive the guidance and support they need. Through the academic curriculum, and exposure to the arts, humanities, and sciences, students are encouraged to think critically and prepare them for the rigorous demands of undergraduate education.