What services do New York private school admissions consultants offer?

New York private school admissions consultants offer a comprehensive range of services designed to support families throughout the competitive application process. 

  1. School Selection: We assist families in identifying the best-fit schools based on the student’s academic strengths, interests, and values. We also offer guidance during school visits and campus tours, making sure parents maximize the events and gather information that will be helpful in their decision-making.
  2. Application Guidance: We help assist with application management, ensuring all components such as essays, personal statements, and recommendation letters are well-crafted and impactful.
  3. Test Preparation: We offer resources and strategies for standardized tests like the ISEE or SSAT. We use exclusive books and materials to make sure our students are a step ahead of the rest.
  4. Interview Coaching: We prepare students and parents for interviews through mock interviews and feedback. We have access to the different questions that admissions officers will most likely ask. 

Our expertise and personalized approach aim to enhance the quality of your applications, thereby improving your chances of acceptance into top-tier private schools in New York.