What is San Francisco University High School’s ranking?

All rankings are from Niche, which uses rigorous analysis of data and reviews to rank schools through a balance of statistical rigor and practical relevance. On the list of Best College Prep Private High Schools, University High School ranks 9th in the San Francisco Bay Area, 21st in the state of California, and 78 of 4546 in the entire United States. On the list of Best Private High Schools, UHS ranks 14th in the San Francisco Bay Area, 38th in the state of California, and 166 of 4990 in the entire United States. Families concerned with San Francisco University High School’s STEM ranking will be relieved to know that the school also ranks quite well. On the list of Best High Schools for STEM, the school ranks 22nd in the San Francisco Bay Area, 43rd in the state of California, and 196 out of 9676 in the entire United States.        


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