Is the ACT easier than the SAT?

The answer to whether the ACT is easier than the SAT depends largely on your personal strengths and preferences. The ACT is a traditional pen-and-paper exam, and its structure requires you to maintain a steady pace to answer a large number of questions within a tight time frame. This format can benefit students who excel under pressure and are comfortable answering many questions under time constraints. 

On the other hand, the new digital and adaptive format of the SAT might be more suitable for students who struggle with the rigidity of traditional exams. The SAT’s new format adjusts the difficulty of questions as you progress, potentially offering a less stressful experience for some. Both tests cover a range of academic subjects, including math, reading, and writing, but they present them in different ways. Therefore, it’s essential to take practice tests for both the SAT and ACT to determine which one aligns better with your test-taking style and strengths.