Free Proctored Writing Sample Tests!
Mandatory Proctored Writing Sample Practice Exams
Sign up now for your free, no-commitment practice virtual Proctored Writing Sample.
Our Proctoring Team will make proctoring simple, safe, and fun for your child. After the practice test, our Private School Admissions experts will assess your child’s writing and deliver a detailed score report analyzing their performance in the areas of Overall Development, Organization, Support Sentence Structure, Word Choice, and Mechanics.
In order to get to know your child better, some Bay Area private schools have debuted a new admission requirement for the Spring/Summer 2020-2021 cycle: the Proctored Writing Sample.
Several Peninsula schools—Castilleja, Crystal Springs Uplands, The Harker School, Menlo School, The Nueva School, Sacred Heart, Woodside Priory, and The Girls’ Middle School—have partnered to allow students to conveniently submit one common Proctored Writing Sample to multiple schools in the group.
Students can register for one Proctored Writing Sample session at any one of the above schools through your family’s Ravenna account. An admissions officer will guide the Proctored Writing Sample virtually through Zoom, allowing students to test safely from their homes without risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Other schools are requiring a similar virtual essay proctoring of their own. Lick-Wilmerding, for example, administers an online assessment through Kira Talent.
With informed preparation, these exams offer your child a powerful opportunity to differentiate themself as an applicant. Cardinal Education’s expert coaches can work with your child to dramatically enhance their writing abilities, individualizing our carefully crafted curriculum for your child’s unique strengths and weaknesses.
Cardinal Education is an independent educational consulting company. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by any private school, including those mentioned on this website. All school names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used here for descriptive purposes only.